Thank you for building your businesses, employing essential workers, and paying taxes in Toronto during a pandemic

If we’re going to start commenting on local businesses investing in leases, construction, and brand development in order to hire, train, and employ essential workers for the purposes of serving guests a product that is federally regulated and clearly in demand, we’ve literally run out of things to complain about. This opinion did exactly what it was meant to do: it has me thinking (cheers, Erin). I wholeheartedly disagree with the premise of the opinion, but that doesn’t mean I can’t respect the work. To achieve normalization, it’s important for the cannabis dialogue to continue. Toronto is fortunate to have legal cannabis stores opening right now, during a time when many businesses have sadly been closing - we should be celebrating the wins, not looking down upon the one industry that is thriving and serving a customer need.

You may love the Meta in St. Lawrence market, but your neighbour may love the way Hemisphere merchandises their product or the way Civilian House of Cannabis provides education. These stores are all on the same block, and that’s ok! These differences within Toronto’s citizens is what adds to our vibrant mosaic - we see this in everything from restaurants to cafes to clothing boutiques. And isn’t that the beautiful thing about Toronto? The textures, the options, the flavours? We, as a city, are not one size fits all; the cannabis stores need to find the best way to serve each of their unique customers. The stores that create the affinity with their customers will have the best chance of surviving any rightsizing that may occur from over expansion. This will push improved innovation in both product offering and experience, resulting in the best possible outcome for Toronto and beyond. So, thank you cannabis stores, for building your businesses here. Toronto, as usual, you showed up, stood tall and provided a bright spot, in an otherwise dark time.


Not just any other Friday on the Danforth
